meeting people irl?

i’ve been on a few hinge dates this yr and i have a few coming up but it’s lost all its allure for me. i hate going on dates from apps, i’m such a bad texter and so i try to go on dates to get an actual read on the ppl i’m talking to and i just haven’t ever felt anything for any of them! and it’s not like i don’t try, but it’s disheartening after the 5th or so time that i don’t get/don’t want a second date and it feels like a waste of time.

problem is, i don’t know how else i would get any dates. i’m not a party person, i don’t love going out and when i do it’s usually with friends and i like actually hanging out w my friends when i’m out. but then, on the flip side, i can’t see myself going out on my own. i don’t know how i’d navigate that by myself and also there’s safety concerns with that, too.

basically, where else am i supposed to meet people? i go to gay bars sometimes but just cannot seem to strike conversation with anyone and, like i said, i’m always with a friend so i just kind of stick with them. any advice?