Ma Zim parents are you checking your kids’ phones?

So last night i was sitting with my kid F14 and she is on her phone, then im like tione phone iyoyo then i take it paye. I put it my pocket ndamuti ndipe password akaramba. After a few minutes munhu anototsamwa and goes to tells my mum…kwahi gogo mhamha vakuramba ne phone yangu. Mhai comes paye she is like give her back her phone im like why is she making it a big deal, this was supposed to be between the two of us now the whole house is involved. Then this kid starts banging doors and this is 2300hrs by the way. So now i want to know kuti mu phone imomo munei and izvezvi she is not talking to me.

Ok so my nyaya is do yall check your children’s phones or ndikuzviwanza?