Black Friday Code Stacking
Hi everyone! New member here. Just thought I’d share how we did with Black Friday sales. I’ve had my eye on this for a while and I’m so glad I waited until today! We got $518 CAD worth of stuff down to $257 (+$22 membership). 2 mini players, 2 cases, 2 headphones, and 7 cards!
Sign up for Yoto club, we got collector+ level. This gives you 2 club credits per month, and you can use the first two as soon as you pay for the membership. This gives you an extra 10% off the Black Friday deals as well and free shipping over $20.
Referral codes can be stacked, but I didn’t have any luck with using more than 1. If someone else had been able to in Canada, feel free to add in the comments how you did it! Haha
If anyone wants a Canadian code DM me or comment and I’ll DM you 😊 hope this helps save someone some time trying to figure out how to save the most $ possible!