Borrowed 23k to invest in YM
Started on Jan 24 I took out a loan from my 401k of 22.5k There is a 4.25% interest for 60 months. Monthly payment 426.
I bought 100 FEAT 47.05
100 FIVY 48.00
100 LFGY 54.00
4 UVIX1/31 28/40 CCS 1.10 credit 1090 Collateral
4 1/31 27.5/33.5 CCs0.89 credit 511 Collateral
Not all is in YM but I wanted to test trading the UVIX. Depending on how this goes lets see.
For the dividends on YM funds, I will reinvest dividend if the price is lower. If its higher gonna buy other YM funds like NVDY MSTY MARA PLTY YMAG GPTY
Ill try to list all trades and Dividends I really wish RH would let you separate funds in your account to different allotments that dont interact with each other. That would make things so much easier to track.
This is more of a log that maybe will give people some useful information. Will try to answer good questions
21309 total in the market 1191 Cash Balance