Xbox won't connect to mulitiplayer services

For the last 20 or so hours my xbox hasn't been able to connect to online, I thought it was just a server issue since I checked online and there were reports in my area of outages, but its been ages and nothing has changed and everything online says its fine

I can see my friends list but no profile pictures and I can't click on profiles

On the dashboard it says connect to xbox network

I've tried unplugging, messing with the router, changing mac address, Changing DNS settings.

Any game or app I click on doesn't work, games don't sync data

When I try testing multiplayer connecting it just says "Can't finish multiplayer test"

When I test network statistics everything in Not Available

I would really appreciate any help, thank you.


The next day after this post, it fixed itself for about 8 hours but has gone back to this again

Another thing I noticed (unsure if it's related), but I got 3 xbox messages from bot accounts, all referring to an Instagram account called tombuysx. The account buys xbox accounts, apparently