The Elemental System is kinda meaningless?

Not very active on social media and stuffs so not sure if anyone had mentioned this before. Something have come into my mind after the new ToA reset and I finally want to talk about it. The elemental system (gonna call it ES from now on) of WuWa is just a mean for Kuro to add uneccessary restrictions into their end game mode to push players to pull for newer characters.

I’m currently playing HSR, ZZZ and WuWa (yes touch grass, I know) and used to be a Genshin player. Now I hate Genshin as much as the next guy do, but the ES in it is probably the best, with different elements react with eachother create various of effect. In HSR, eventho it’s not quite creative or meta changing, it does have its effect (breaking enemies with ice will freeze enemies for ex). ZZZ so far is also pretty good, with various effects and disorder effect when 2 element clash.

But then here in WuWa, the difference between Yinlin and Zhe Zhi in term of elemental effect, it’s straight up they just have different colors. I cleared the newest ToA but can’t say I didn’t feel any frustration as I saw that unnecessary 10% havoc and electro resistance. It’s almost as if Kuro wanna say to my face “oh, you pulled Camellya last patch? Pull Carlotta silly, it’s new patch already”.

I know it’s not a big deal, but if you’re gonna make an ES… then make an ES you know, it can’t be just a difference in color. Whenever a new character comes out, their element attribute should make me go “oh yes, I so need a fire unit right now” rather than “damn, I have to farm glacio echos if I want to use this character”.

The game is fantastic and the new update was insane, but this has always been in the back of my mind, what’d y’alls think?

Edit: have to address this because I can see someone thinking I don't like the game or the combat system. I love it, it is probably, nah it IS the best gacha game I have ever played so far in term of combat. This post is specifically about the ES and how it affects the game as of now

Edit #2: I did NOT say that the ES had to be about reactions. As HSR and ZZZ don't have reactions either but I still do find their ES somewhat interesting. But the ES in WuWa is just fundamentally pointless. Imagine this, your friend who doesn’t know WuWa at all see Jinhsi and ask “Spectro dmg? Sounds cool, what does it do?” And you sitting there and just reply with “it… deals damage”. “Then why is it called Spectro dmg” your friend asks, “it’s yellow? I guess?” Would be your only answer.

Final Edit as I will leave this post permanently: it’d seem that what I heard was true, it’s impossible to say anything negative about this game within the community, I just expressed my rational thought and op on this matter, and all I got were denier and people misunderstanding me entirely and thinking I was comparing the game or hated the game’s combat. Thanks to all the the few commenters who actually read my post and leave a reasonable feedback, hope my post didnt ruin anyone’s day as it’s never been my intention

Unexpected Edit: If somehow you land upon this post, haha, these people in the comment suck lol, Kuro actually, at the time of this edit, is going to add an actual elemental system. I know there’s no way, Kuro read my post because it was downvote to oblivion by simpletons but I’m so glad somehow, it was like a miracle, they heard me or us, the people who wants the game to be improved. Go suck yourself off, those people who said “🤓☝️um actually the EM is to balance the game so players have to pull for different characters therefore benefits the dev” like yeah I know, everyone knows, you’re not the him lol, I was talking about how EM benefits nothing to the players and these mfs keep talking like they’re under Kuro’s desk sucking them off. I mean look at the top comment, my post mentioned Genshin once, in fact I even said I hated it, and this person talked as if I wanted WuWa to be Genshin and most people agreed, sensitive at it’s peak, Genshin lives rent free in these people’s head. WuWa is going to have a proper Elemental System, I am so proud, best Gacha Game ever, even before they implement actual EM, it still is but now it’s even better. Thanks Kuro Yes I am petty for coming back to this post