Reached 2000WN8 today after 15k ish battles. Heres my favorite shot of all time.

Been playing a lot of STB1 these last few days, trying to 3 mark it whitout premium. I even had a 7k game whitout premium. I got to 82.50% or smth like that but i have since gone down.

Allready fallen a bit lmao but i know i will go past 2000wn8. I know i can reach 2600, i just need to grind out the games.

I feel proud of having dragged my account out of tomato to this, i played over 150games in the T34 when i was 14, 14 years later am now 2000wn8.

I should say i played 20.000 games on xbox 360, beta included, before i returned to PC when Xbox One was out. Mained PC for the last 5-6 years.

Any tips from the STB-1 enjoyers out there? Cheers lads.