Yet another coal ship post (I have Napoli)

Technically will be my third ship, but Georgia is my other so Napoli is the only one in the shop I own.

I’ve been so on the fence about this that I’ve far surpassed the required coal for even a coupon-less purchase. I really just can’t decide, nothing particularly jumps out at me as being good. I’m thinking either a BB or a CA/B, but I’m open to DD if it’s super heavily recommended. I was hoping for a T9 because I have a ton of T8 and TX already, but all the posts about the one that piqued my interest (Azuma) just say to get her big sister instead.

My favorite ships at the moment are Vermont, Napoli, Tennessee, and Atlântico, and I prefer ships with strong identities over Jack-of-all-trades types. I have all USN TXs except Essex, hybrids, and subs; I like the cruisers but would prefer to try another one with more survivability like Napoli.