Free Gauntlets!
Hello Wizards! :)) I finally uploaded my WIP wysteria villa house because I was too excited to not share it! And guess what! I got top 100! To celebrate I'd love to share my gauntlets with all of you!
So far I currently have 5 gauntlets. And because you can use friends housing gauntlets through tours! You can use mine for free! :) just comment and I'll dm you a friend code. I'll be adding more as well!
Feel free to farm winterbane for snacks, or spiral cup for nostalgia. Maybe even grand tourney for the xp!
I also have a dojo for the daily rewards and PvP :)
PLEASE Let me know if you didn't get a DM with a friend code :)) I work 7-8 hours a day too so I may not be able to get back to some people fast <3