Anyone know for certain if GPS-spoofers are against the TOS?

Top Edit: got confirmation from Sokko support that no one is being banned for using cheats.

Blurred out their name (and mine) but if the mods want me to send it to them I will.

I really dislike how often quests and monsters will be either on private property, or somewhere really inconvenient, especially for people like me that are mostly able to play at night and don't want to go trekking through the ghetto at 10 P.M. to play the game. And I know there are lots of people that are either sick or disabled that literally can't go out and wander around to play this game. Just curious if using something to fake-out the GPS (and nothing else, I don't want to cheat and get infinite items or gold or anything) could get you banned?

Edit: I've sent a support e-mail asking the same question, I'll update the post when I hear back.