CW prevented from bonding with his kids

How do you kill your own kids?

You must become distant & desensitised to them to do such a thing

Worn down, resentful & want to escape

We know before birth the meek & mild CW watched his wife spend insane amounts of money - filling the kids' wardrobes with an insane amount of clothes, trips endless unnecessary medical specialist appointments, unaffordable private daycare plus who knows what other crap along the way.

From birth, rather than being encouraged to hold & nurture his infant daughters, he was instructed not to hold them & leave them alone for endless hours to cry. This must surely have affected his ability to bond with them. A hysterical infant pushing back against the abusive Babywise method must cause incredible stress.

SW roped in friends & family members to move in & provide support for her baby girls, which may have left CW to feel useless & sidelined & resentful. This intrusive & revolving door of visitors would surely have caused him to feel resentment of the disruption "those kids" had caused to his home life.

SW encouraged CeCe to be out of control & rude, a carbon copy of the wife he was growing to resent. Dealing with SW was enough, let alone the prospect of dealing with an unctrollable toddler version of her who would surely grow to become a nightmare of a teenager

BW, being like himself in character was the scapegoat & CW was encouraged to scapegoat Bella and dehumanise her.

After coming home from a hard day's work after his wife swanned around all day doing as she pleased, he came home to a 2nd shift of housework & childcare. Some of these daily tasks were unnecessary, such as the level of cleaning & things like applying lavender lotion on the girls' skin every single day to encourage them to sleep. Who knows what other silly chores were part of his daily routing & wore him down?

The early bedtime meant less time to connect with his kids, reducing the ability to have fun with them & experience the lighter side of parenting. When they were able to take them out, CeCe's encouraged bad behaviour & Bella's constant fearful attitude due to neglect/scapegoating must have made him embarrassed of his girls.

The girls were egged on to make fun of him, throw food at him and had started to mimic their mother by calling him silly & stupid, behaviour that added fuel to the flames of his hostility

CW had zero authority when it came to his children & no autonomy to parent them as he pleased. It comes as no surprise to me that he grew to dehumanise them over time & saw them as a problem he would prefer to remove from his life.

There must be more, this is just off the top of my head....