Plz bring back solos

Look I dont wanna be one of those guys that complains about stacking, but I literally played solos bc of that, and now they take solos out, wtf, itz like they promote camping and sitting on your team and playing slow. Every time I get a down on duos, it's an immediate stack, I cant even reposition. I gotta find a way to break team up somehow. Its tiring seeing 2 dudes running side by side, or whenever you're about to win a gun fight, the dude screams for help and you're killed from behind.

I actually ended up winning a duos with 7 kills. I just have to get better an maneuvering around multiple people and teams. It seems like people are only confident in chasing you when they have teammates, but when its solos they wont push, they sit and hold an angle and wait for you to rechall..