Found what I consider to bring shame, my models abandoned halfway through painting.
While cataloging my unopened kit, I came across this case I thought was empty and turned out to have a bunch of my abandoned projects. I pulled out some of the more complete ones, but none are finished. You can see all their even more incomplete brethren in the background.
It seemed like I had a decent Imperial Fists scheme, but just never finished it up on the unit. I also didn't write it down so probably cannot color match it enough to finish.
For the Custodes I was just experimenting with different colors to figure out what kind of gold I wanted. Warm, cold, somewhere in between. I did also realize that while it is an elite unit army, so small numbers relatively, it was probably too much to NMM the whole army.
The Death Guard I was trying a more cold version of their armor. The copper was giving me difficulties so I gave up. Another one I wish I would've written down because I actually do like this look.
I do remember being super psyched when Leviathan came out to paint up these Tyranids in whatever faction of theirs this is. I decided to go to the FLGS and give Combat Patrol a go. I played a mirror but my opponent only ever played Tyranids. I explained I was coming from AoS so it was my first time playing anything 40k. I got rolled super hard. I put them away to wait for someone who wanted to play a slightly more friendly and learning game and they never came back out.
Grey kits and unbuilt kits, to me, represent potential and all the things you could do. This represents all my failures and every time I gave up. This is my true pile of shame.