Shoutout the guy who gave my free mods

Not gonna throw his name out there but a few hours ago I saw some guy in trade chat saying he was selling groll for his atomos. I messaged him and told him flat out I’m not buying it but wanted to see what the stats were to see how my riven is. His was stacked, some crazy shit he had. Asked him to look at mine and told me i got a good roll but it’s missing a negative stat.

We messaged for a while and he was just showing me all sorts of rivens he has. Asked him to look at some of my builds on other weapons and told me how to make them better said I didn’t have e some of the mods then he straight up gave me 6 good mods.

Just wanna say thanks, showed me some good guns to work towards to, told menus to work toward to, and even gave me free mods to make one of my guns a beast. Never seen a community in any other game like Warframe.