Erin's response to Tyrion Veltras

So I know that Erin is known for being forgiving and second chances and all but wasn't it just awesome how she stood up to House Veltras?!? Tyrion knows full well what he was doing, but he always gets away with shit because of his lineage and what not. But Erin was all like "move and your dead". I just wished Tyrion would have lost a finger or two, or maybe Erin could have clocked him over the head with a pan so hard that he lost more years. Especially after he answered her with "I don't kill innocents..." When he tried to literally kill an entire city which would have included plenty of children.

Also I really hope Erin ends up spanking Sammial. He's such an annoying kid and i hate that he keeps getting away with shit.

Also I agree with Teletevirion and Ryoka needs to stop teasing Tyrion. She doesn't like him just his kids and more in a big sister way so she needs to tell him to piss off instead of dancing around the issue.