Sony VX1000 and Sony TRV900 for sale
- Is in beautiful condition and all functions work except tape deck. You can’t record to a tape , it might just need cleaning take. The VX1000 works perfectly with immersion powerplay and will include it in package. Will include opteka fisheye
- travel bag -remote -charger -original vx1000 light
- 4 batteries -cables -immersion powerplay -mini sd card -opteka fisheye
Asking $700
Sony trv 900
- Everything works and is in phenomenal shape
Includes - travel bag -opteka fisheye (new) -charger -battery -extra chords -extra tapes
Asking $550
- Is in beautiful condition and all functions work except tape deck. You can’t record to a tape , it might just need cleaning take. The VX1000 works perfectly with immersion powerplay and will include it in package. Will include opteka fisheye
- travel bag -remote -charger -original vx1000 light
- 4 batteries -cables -immersion powerplay -mini sd card -opteka fisheye
Asking $700
Sony trv 900
- Everything works and is in phenomenal shape
Includes - travel bag -opteka fisheye (new) -charger -battery -extra chords -extra tapes
Asking $550