Support buddy?
If you check out my prior post you’ll see that I’m not sure if I have vitiligo or not. I for sure appear to have tinea versicolor, however my PCP suspects that I might also have vitiligo because she thought that one of the white spots on my leg near my bum looked more like vitiligo than TV. She’s having me do a second round of oral antifungals because it’s clear that there still stubborn TV on my neck (scaly red patches). She also got me Opzelura, but based off side effects wants me to wait on it if it is just TV, because she said it could aggravate the TV.
PCP also recommend getting a second opinion, and I have a Derm appointment booked for September 1st. Idk if it’s unfair to ask here since I’m not sure if I have it but wondering if anyone would be willing to be an emotional support buddy? Some of the discoloration is on my face and even though it seems more like TV in that spot I’ve been stressing a lot about how it looks and feeling quite depressed.