HLR & confusion on my part

Got a claim denied in September of 2024 and filed an HLR. Had an informal conference done in January, DTA was found. New C&P exam was scheduled (and completed) and I'm waiting for a decision. I'm re-reading my DTA letter and it says the following:

"Please note: The evidentiary record closed as of the date of notice of our prior decision. VA

received additional evidence after the record closed that was not considered as part of this

decision. If you would like VA to consider this evidence, you may submit a supplemental claim

at any time; however, VA must receive your application within one year of the date of notice of

this decision to preserve your right to receive the maximum possible benefit. (38 CFR 3.155, 38

CFR 3.2500, 38 CFR 3.2501, 38 CFR 3.2601)

My confusion is

  • How do I find out what evidence was submitted after the record closed?
  • Will the HLR alone preserve my original claim date (Jun of 2024) or do I HAVE to file a supplemental claim?
  • (somewhat related) how do i see if the dbq's from my latest c&p (after the DTA was found) were uploaded?