People who claim to be brutally honest

I can’t help but notice a certain archetype that utters the sentiment of being “brutally honest” are usual just saying inflammatory statements and call others sensitive when they don’t reciprocate their abrasive demeanor. Don’t get me wrong, honesty is the best policy. I(M23) have been raised with the principles of keeping your composure, not being afraid to be direct, and having “thick skin”. Even so, I notice people who spout “brutal honesty” are oftentimes being condescending and masquerading it as “the cold hard truth”. Now there are scenarios where it applies and there are certain people who may be more receptive of that type of energy. But more often than not it just brushes most people the wrong way. The funny thing is that oftentimes these “brutally honest” archetypes are hypocrites because they aren’t receptive of it themselves when the shoe is on the other foot. I think they just take more gratification pointing fingers and basking in self-righteousness rather than giving a meaningful input.