Estate sale Voron Update

TLDR I got a 350mm 2.4 from an estate sale for $50. Lots of aluminum parts and is set up for can with umbilical.

I have gone through the frame and mechanicals. Everything was square and belts were tight. The gantry however was completely loose. My guess is he swapped in the hollow one and was working on converting the tool head for can.

I did connect to the pie and downloaded what I could without ssh into it. Flashed it and re installed mainsail which it previously had running. I'm to the point where I have to start setting up can but need to sort out the tool head first so I can get the boards for that.

Since the original inted of this build seems to be speed I think I'll go with an eddie current probe. Debating between cartographer or Eddy. I like that Eddy fits nicely in the original probe spot. Since they all do homing and can now is there really much difference between them?