Did you try turning it off and back on?

Ugh, why does my whole body respond to you? Sometimes when I listen to music I get a pleasant tingling sensation on my spine. Before it was only with music and now it is with music and your voice. Oddly enough when I first met you, you were talking about how you hate hearing the sound of your own voice.

I want to run my fingers through your perfect hair, feel your hands on my body, explore you, hold you, taste you… it’s always the quiet ones right?

When our eyes locked, it was like you had the cheat code to my soul. In a room full of people there was only you and me and a connection that has unmoored me. I have never felt that before. Did you feel it too? Am I just delusional? I have always been pretty rational but this was some kind of cosmic voodoo I can’t explain.

It has been months and I still can’t get rid of this longing but believe me I’ve tried. I tried to ignore it, rationalize it, deny it, and finally wait it out and I have failed.

We don’t even really know each other. From what I can tell so far, you are considerate,quietly confident, intelligent, and have a wicked sense of humor that I think you rein in when at work. You also have a subtle undercurrent of rebellion that intrigues me. To me, you are a revelation.

Something about you just feels right to me. I want to get to know you better but that may not be a good idea due to circumstances.

I have tried to keep my feelings to myself and respect boundaries. It feels wrong and unnatural to avoid you in meetings. However, I don’t trust that I could avoid locking eyes with you again and keeping it professional. I am sure you have noticed my eyes always give me away. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable and worry I may already have.

I wish this was just lust or limerence but it’s not and I don’t know what to do with it. I wish I could talk to you about it, you are good at coming up with solutions. I am good at overthinking. Maybe you would tell me it’s nothing but then again maybe you wouldn’t.