Path of the Endless Pain

Barbarians who follow the path of the endless pain believe that their supernatural endurance comes from negative emotions and pain,most barbarians that pursue this path use their endurance to embrace the pain of their comrades in battle and unleash to their foes as much pain as they have endured.

But not everyone embraces this idea,some barbarians who follow this path believe that to have a strong link with negative emotions,you must have even stronger positive emotions.

Level 3: Channel Pain

Starting from 3rd level, whenever you are raging you can endure some pain from attacks,and unleash it in an explosion of negative energy.

-Channel Pain

Whenever you are raging you gain a pool of dice called Pain Dice,these Pain Dice can be used when you receive damage (no action required) to reduce the damage by a d6.

You can use only one Pain Dice for each instance of damage,and the pool of Pain Dice gets restored whenever you use your rage again.

The Pain Dice pool is equal to your barbarian level,and the Pain Dice becomes a d8 at 6th level,a d10 at 10th level and a d12 at 14th level.

-Burst of Hate

As a bonus action while you are raging,you can unleash a burst of negative energy in a 15 feet emanation.

Enemy creatures in the area must make a constitution saving throw or take a number of dice equal to your Pain Dice expended as necrotic damage on a failed save,or half as much on a successful one.You can use this feature only once per rage.

(The DC is equal to 8+your constitution modifier+your proficiency bonus)

The Emanation becomes 20 feet at 6th level,25 feet at 10th level and 30 feet at 14th level.

Level 6: War Cry

At 6th level,you have mastered how to incite your foes in battle.

Whenever you use your rage,enemy creatures in a 30 feet emanation that can hear you must make a wisdom saving throw or be drawn to fight you.

(The DC is equal to 8+your constitution modifier+your proficiency bonus)

Creatures drawn to fight you have disadvantage on attack rolls on creatures other than you,and can't move willingly more than 30 feet away from you.

A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns,ending the effect on a success.

Level 10: Careless Hunter

At 10th level,your rage fuels your endurance,allowing you to ignore pain while charging to your foes.

Whenever you are raging and take damage,you can use a reaction to use two of your Hate Dice to reduce damage instead of one,and move up to your movement speed.

Level 14: Sacrificial Lamb

At 14th level,after many injuries you have finally completely understood pain,and can relieve it in battle by releasing negative energy.

Whenever you use your Burst of Hate,you also gain a number of Hit Points equal to the Hate Dice expended,and can end the effect of a spell or one of these conditions targeting you: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened or Poisoned.