Fate Sorcery
Your innate magic comes from predestined fate. Who carries the Fate Sorcery are chosen by the world to be protagonists of a larger story,and they attract major events of the world even if they do anything to not be part of it.
Level 3: Fate Blessing
As a predestined chosen,the natural force called fate watches over you.
When you fail an ability check,saving throw or a spell attack roll while you are using your Innate Sorcery feature,you can roll a d4 and add it to the roll.
You can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
The dice becomes a d6 at 5th level,d8 at 9th level,d10 at 13th level and d12 at 17th level.
Level 3: Fate Spells
When you reach a sorcerer level specified in the Fate spells table,you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared. These spells don't require material components for you.
Sorcerer Level 3:
Detect Magic,Identify,Augury,Locate Object.
Sorcerer Level 5:
Sorcerer Level 7
Arcane Eye,Locate Creature.
Sorcerer Level 9:
Legend Lore,Scrying.
Level 6: Fated Magic
Your bond with Fate allows you to see the outcome of your Fated Magic.
You learn the Heightened Spell metamagic option if you didn't already had it,or another of your choosing if you already had it.
Moreover while you are using your Innate Sorcery feature,your Heightened Spell gives Disadvantage on saves to all targets of the spell.
Level 14: Destiny Breaker
Your Fate Sorcery breaks predestined destiny,making your enemies extremely unlucky.
Whenever a creature hits you with an attack roll while you are using your Innate Sorcery feature,you can roll a die of your Fate Blessing and subtract it to the roll(no action required).
Moreover,you can get one use of your Fate Blessing by expending 1 sorcery point(no action required).
Level 18: Chosen One
You became the chosen you were predestined to be,while using your Fate Sorcery everything goes in your favor.
Whenever you use your Innate Sorcery feature,you are under the effect of the spell "Foresight"(no concentration required) for the duration of the feature.