Le wholesome family business
So due to my circumstances despite being atheist I still have to go to the mosque and the topic of the Friday lecture was Inheritance and leaving behind a will according to shariah law before you die.
Now, for those of you not in the know Shariah law stipulates that men get more than women in inheritance. I'm not sure about the exact figure but the usual justification is that since women get married they'll be supported by their children and brothers/parents which goes to show how misogynistic and quite frankly how objectified women are in this religion.
To illustrate the lecturer gives an example of a family business where the wife was in charge of the books (whether this story is true or not idk) and that she was complaining that her son's got more than her and she got nothing and she said shariah law doesn't work. But here's the kicker, the lecturer goes on to say that he asked if she got a salary by I quote HER HUSBAND and she said no she didn't. So this woman was literally exploited and she didn't get paid for it, like goddamn. He goes on to say it's the PeOpLe that are imperfect and not shariah law and the petite bourgeois mfs who make up majority of the mosque (not counting the bourgeoise who're also there) agreed in unison.
Truly a wholesome family business moment
Fun fact the mosque had a bathroom renovation a year ago, and those bathrooms have light sensors that go on when u step into a stall. None of the big bourgeoise businesses that I've been to for weddings etc in my country have those.