Apple's Checkout Trick: Genius or Deceptive? 🧐

Recently, I was checking out Apple's approach to their checkout page (see image attached).

One thing that caught my attention is how they handle the display of the total cost.

As you can see in the image, Apple places the order total above the fold, making it immediately visible to the user.

This is great for addressing one of the main concerns users have: hidden costs in the total.

However, the detailed breakdown of the order, including subtotal, shipping, and tax, is placed at the bottom of the page, which requires scrolling to view.

Here are my thoughts:

  • Pros: By showing the total cost upfront, Apple ensures users know exactly what they're going to pay without any surprises. This transparency can reduce cart abandonment due to unexpected costs.
  • Cons: The placement of detailed cost information at the bottom might be less convenient for users who want to verify all the details at a glance before proceeding. While it might not be a significant issue for some, for others, it could add an extra step in the decision-making process.

Would you prefer to see all cost details immediately, or is the current setup fine?

I'm curious to hear your opinions