What's your major & What was your admissions essay about?
I feel like lots of UT students I've met are really passionate about what they study. So I wanted to see if that was echoed in all our admissions essays. When reviewing admission essay examples online, I noticed that most of them focus on some kind of altruism or greater world impact. Is that the case for you? Was that your /actual/ motivation to get your degree, or was it a little fluffed? Were you confident when you sent it off or did you think it was iffy? What are the weirdest entrance essay topics you've found?
I entered UT as a government major in 2019. My essay was about my immigrant family's motto of making a better life for our children, primarily through education. I went on to study education policy primarily. I remember asking my old roommate (applied movement science major) this question. She wrote about the tradition of being a Longhorn in her family (she was like 4x legacy) and how she wanted to be a physical trainer for our football team.