How do you control your voice on a phone interview to be genuine and excited?

Hi everyone,

I have a phone interview on Monday and I'm so worried.

I've only had 1 phone interview (2 years ago) and it was so bad.

I'm a recent graduate looking for my first job - this one is in luxury retail. However, I'm a shy and introverted person. My voice is so squeeky and high. I don't have a steady voice and I find it difficult to speak loudly. Also, when on calls sometimes my throat closes up and it sounds like I've lost my voice or am really sick - and I can't control it.

On top of all that, I have no excitement in my voice. It's unsteady and monotone. It's really going to hurt my chances of progeressing.

If I get asked something I haven't prepared or can't think of what to say, I stutter a lot, there will be long pauses and silence. My mouth will go dry.

I've prepared a lot of answers and done a lot of research. I'm ready for a lot of questions. I just need some advice on how to control my voice.

(The interview is with L'Oreal, so if anyone has done a phone interview for a retail position with them, please let me know what it's like and any questions you were asked. Thanks.)