Contact your representatives!

If you live in the US, contact your senators and house rep and voice to them that this is a topic you care about and want them to support. Let them know that the topic of UAP/UFO and non-human intelligence is something that the American public has a right to know about and that you think David Grusch's claims need to be investigated. Be kind, respectful, stick to known facts, and don't get weird.

We can potentially influence MSM to start reporting due to constituents asking for support on the issue. It can be a simple concise email and requires very little effort!

Find your reps:

House rep:

Your 2 senators:

P.S. If you're afraid of the stigma associated with the topic or your rep having preconceived notions about it, you can cite the bipartisan efforts that are already happening in congress to make a point that it's a legitimate issue.