Hollow Wheels Comfort’s v.s. All Terrain Conversion Kit

Hey folks,

TL;DR : I run Hollow Wheels Comfort’s and want to know if the All Terrain Conversion Kit wheels (either variation) would significantly improve my chances of not being thrown off the board when hitting a chipping

So I live in Brooklyn, and this is the kind of thing that you run over in Brooklyn :/ :

  • deep potholes


  • giant metal plates just slapped on the street surface


  • all kinds of detritus: chippings, bits of wood, bits of unidentifiable things
  • sharp stuff that gets embedded in your wheels


Now, there’s nothing I can do about the potholes or the metal plates. It’s the detritus that I want my wheels to give me the most protection from.

Because so far I’ve cracked 2 ribs (@ 17MPG) and slammed my (helmeted - always wear a helmet kids…) head (15 MPH) against the tarmac - both times due to chippings on the street. Hence, whilst the Hollow’s help, they don’t prevent all falls from crap on the street. And they’re designed to deform upon contact with such things of course.

Thus, to my question: do folks reckon that the All Terrain wheels will potentially give me a bit more protection from chippings and the like? I’d love to know your thoughts.
