Lack of oral sex - sexually incompatible?
If you really enjoyed having a guy go down on you and this was your favorite way to get off, would you consider yourself sexually incompatible with a guy who did not go down on you the first time you had sex, enough so that you wouldn’t give it another try?
Third day with a guy last kinky and I was very interested him, and then we had sex and I’m considering not seeing again solely because he didn’t go down on me. I have a general rule that I do not ask for men to go down on me because I figure if they wanted to, they would (or at least ask if I want them to), and if they don’t, then we’re sexually incompatible. I’m wondering if this is too rigid and if anyone has experience where they expressed their desire and it worked out (rather than getting the response of “I jUsT doN’t LiKe To gO doWn”).
I guess I’m even more put off than usual because the guy asked me while I was giving him a BJ if I could finish him off that way after we had sex a bit because it felt amazing. To have the audacity to cum in a girl’s mouth, but not go down on her seems a little irredeemable to me.