Has anyone used one of those laundry plungers?

As the title says. Has anyone used the manual laundry thing that looks like a plunger. (Example at Lehman's)

If you have, what's your opinion on it? I don't think I'm likely to be in an extended situation at home where I'm without water/power, but this plus a tub or bucket seems like a step up from washing with just my hands or using a washboard.

Edit for rule 7:
There are some posts from around 3 years ago about doing laundry by hand. One seems to just be describing it as a personal choice and not in a water or power scarcity situation. This other post seems to be more relevant, but I didn't come anyone mentioning their thoughts on the plunger tool. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXPreppers/comments/t4qole/doing_laundry_without_a_washing_machine/

Also, if you've used the plunger thing, have you used it with blankets?

Update: I've been convinced this is worth having. I ordered the plunger and I'm going to either hand wring stuff if it comes down to needing to use it, or put stuff in a laundry bag and spin like a maniac if I feel energetic. Also thank you to u/dolltearsheat for mentioning that no-rinse laundry detergent exists.