My own political opinion on my homeland from a Tunisian living abroad

Hi. I’m a Tunisian who left to New York when I was 18 on my own . I’m 27 now and I went from nothing to a software engineer graduate with permanent residency . Something I couldn’t achieve in Tunisia unfortunately due to the lack of capable politicians and massive corruption and populism . I’am thinking of creating a political party in Tunisia for a modern liberal and democratic future to my homeland this is what I have as ideas so far . And for someone who works at a FAANG company I can say that attracting investors from the US is pretty achievable. Here’s my suggestions in order for our country to prosper since we have small population. And well educated compared to other nations

Creating free market economy

English as second language and add it to the educational curriculum as lead language in learning scientific subjects and majors aswell as Lower taxes on businesses

Building up IT and medical universities and research centers

Funds to new startups and successful companies and push them to be added to Tunisian stock market .

48 hours period for new licenses ( digital applications )

Create a public investment fund

Create new economical capital ( Ennfidha) aswell as investing in infrastructure.

Crackdown on counterfeit economy with taxation solutions

Low interest mortgage loans

Investment summit with US and Asian and European investors ( IT , Industry , healthcare , tourism , agriculture )

Libéralise laws ( getting rid of laws such as only Muslims can be presidents , country religion is Islam which is excluding of other Tunisian minorities , decriminalizing homosexuality , legalization of marijuana and create an industry sector for it we could be a touristic destination for it

Cancel unnecessary adiministrations and ministries .

Digitalization of government services

Privatize all industries except natural recources ( government will still hire private companies for logistics services )

Install surveillance cameras around the streets and modernize interior security

Modernize military and increase cooperation with NATO

Weed out any old backward laws and decrease diplomatic and economical relations with authoritarian regimes

Increase minimum wage to 800$/ month equivalent to 6$/ hour for 35 hours workweek. ( overtime is 9$/hour time and half )

Free floating currency

Invest in bigger ports and airports aswell as increasing aircraft’s fleet and destinations ( through privatization of TunisAir )

Neutralize our political stance on geopolitical conflicts. ( Tunisia shall always advocate for peace prosperity and liberties )

Modernize prisons and renovate them to human rights standards. Creating better learning and correction systems prisoners will be able to read books go to therapy sessions and learn skills . Aswell as finish their studies .