The constant censoring and self censoring of words devolves language’s are invalidates victims.
So im posting this here not because it is an unpopular opinion, but that i might actually be allowed to actually post it here.
The person was a victim of RAPE not Grape or any other stupid and distespectful censor. It is straight up DISRESPECTFUL to the victim.
The person KILLED themself, they where in so much pain they couldnt take it anymore, it was no longer bareable. The person didnt UNALIVE themself. Go up to any grieving family and say "I am sorry they unalived themself". You wouldnt, nobody would, because its fucking stupid and distespectul.
And me? I am RETARDED. If i want to call myself Retarded it is 100% in my rights as someone was diagnosed with Asperger's at 13.
This absolute devolvement of language to protect... someone or something? From what? Hearing WORDS?.
The people in America no matter the political leaning likes to call the other certain Buzz Words to better themself and worse others like monkeys throwing shit at eachother. As someone on the outside looking in, both of your sides are looking extremly 1984 and you are all, Republican and Democrat, to blame.
FUCKING REALLY??? Trump, Hillary, Biden and Kamala Harris are the best you can do out of 350M people?? You Democrats dont want fucking change, you just want to seem like you do. Bernie Sanders actually wanted to radically change things, nah FUCK THAT, Hillary first woman president!!!!
Hillary Clinton? The most crooked woman in america? If i got a dollqr everytime she got paid to do a speech for rich people, i would be a millionaire myself.
Joe Biden could barely even walk, and what was Kamala's platform again? Fuck Trump?
And Trump himself? I dont even need to fucking say anything.
Fuck you to all you Americans who stood by and did nothing, the state of your country effects the whole west, and YOU ALL are to blame for the state of your country.
The great comedian George Carling on political language.