Many "unattractive/ugly" people actually do dress nice, shower, and have a decent personality......

It's just societies coping skill for why they treat people like that.
If you visit any forum or subreddit about asking social/dating advice, usually these are the replies,
"Wear fitting clothes"
"Get a nice haircut"
"Find a hobbie"
"It's your personality, bro".

As if the rest of society does this to a T?. I've seen guys who are considered facially attractive wear crocs and sweats while people swoon over them. There are so many times, that a persons attractiveness is outside their ability. Are there slobs?. Sure!. There are also those who do take care of themselves while their genes were screwing off somewhere. Sometimes shit happens to people that is no fault of their own. Oh yea....the, "Plastic surgery, bro". Cause everyone has that money laying around 🙄.