Just because a person is racist, doesn't necessarily mean they are a bad person.

I'm not saying racism is okay or acceptable. I'm saying someone can be racist but still be an overall good person. Humans are complex and judging someone as a horrible, irredeemable scumbag based on a single attribute is kind of ridiculous (yes, I get that there are some single things you can judge a person on like if they kill kids or something, but that's not what I'm talking about here). Just because someone is an addict or went to prison or cheated on their partner or lied to a friend or whatever else doesn't immediately mean that person is "bad" overall.

Suppose your grandpa is racist towards black people but he also donated a kidney to a stranger and paid for you to go to college. Is he a bad person?

edit: Just in case it wasn't clear, the grandpa story is completely fictional and not based on my or anyone else's family. It is just a hypothetical scenario.