How to stay detached during negotiations and drawn-out gaslighting?
I'm currently looking at weeks and likely months of legal issues due to Narcissist wife. We aren't divorced (yet), but we are no-contact. I am taking the path of least resistance right now, just trying to live my life, make sure I'm taking care of myself as best I can. It's hard. I am depressed, and devastated. I don't want to deal with divorce until other legal issues are settled, to get my "assault" charges cleared (that's the first gaslight). I barely have energy to get through the days with things being as complicated as they are.
I just don't want to deal with her. Right now we are no contact and we have a situation set up with our kid where I see him every day and she basically takes care of him. It's not a good thing -- she's a toxic parent and still sleeps in the bed with him at age 4 and there isn't really a sign that will stop (I haven't been successful in introducing healthy parenting strategies due to her aggressive control throughout the marriage).
I'm a little worried for him, but there's not much I can do right now. Sadly, she has taken possession and control of him, smothering him from the start, and I've struggled to gain any traction as a parent. But I do love him and want to try to save him from her. So it's worth it for me to at least be his guardian in whatever ways I can. There's some good in him, he is half of me, and maybe that half can eclipse her dark half.
I'm currently living in the house and she's at our condo down the street. She has yielded to me for whatever reason. So I just need to learn to detach and not think about the situation. It's such a deep, horrible predicament, basically I'm looking at the past 8 years of lies, deception, gaslighting, etc., and overall some of the worst, most insidious narcissistic abuse you could imagine, all that I can't really process or know where to start with.
She has flying-monkeyed my whole family and I barely talk to them anyway. Haven't been close with them in years but now it's worse, since they have sided with her during this whole thing. From the start she reached out to them and sucked them all into her little vortex. I always thought that was weird, but endearing, because she wanted to be a part of my family...but didn't put together all the triangulation and PR-campaign and ultimate smear campaign and flying monkey stuff until it was too late.
How do I just focus on getting through the coming weeks and months until some progress and resolution is reached, without losing my mind and health in the process? Any advice from those experienced in NPD relationships would be beneficial. My wife is a high-level Narcissist, very close to a sociopath...a dangerous person, tbh. Also, how do I move on from this? How do I break out of this bubble eventually and find people who are not so corrupt?