Passing out

UPDATE: Thank you to the few that said to have levels checked. My vitamin D is scary low and my platelets are very high. I can't wait to be in Florida to meet with the doctor at Mayo to discuss everything.

Has anyone experienced passing out with TN?

I have episodes where I feel so out of it and start fading out and my head drops. Ive told all of my providers this and noone has seemed concerned. Sometimes I'm fully passed out but other times I zone out so bad I can't respond to anyone but can hear what's going on around me. It's a really weird feeling. I'm currently in the car with my husband (I'm not driving) and I told him I don't feel well and my head started dropping. I don't know if it's because of my medication or if there is something going on along side of the TN.

I also get very dizzy at times and see purple at times. I mainly see purple when I feel like I'm being stabbed in my cheek bone or eye.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar.