Academic misconduct...

Hey, I am a first-year student and unfortunately, I got accused of academic misconduct aka plagiarism. We had an assignment, and one of my acquaintances had asked how I "formatted" the assignment as he struggled. So I trusted him and sent him a pretty zoomed-out screenshot of my assignment on social media. Thinking he only needed to see the formatting I wasn't too worried about him plagiarizing it. Just to find out that we both got the same email and we are going to have to get on an online meeting with the decision maker to explain ourselves. I am also getting accused of plagiarism despite not doing that at all, the assignment was purely my work I even got a good mark on it. and when I compared my assignment to his using a website, his was legit the same as mine just paraphrased. Idk what to do and how to move forward, I wish I never sent my work but I truly thought he needed the format. I am completely innocent :( and on top of that he is firm on the fact that he did not plagiarize whatsoever and only used the same websites as me, and so he isn't willing to admit his faults. IDK how to move from here, i am very scared and nervous :( any advice???