10 helpful Japanese phrases for travelers visiting Tokyo this New Year season

With New Years now, thought I share 10 helpful Japanese phrases I wish I had known before my visit to Japan. Looking back, learning these phrases would have saved me from awkward situations and made my trip smoother and more enjoyable:

1) Eigo wakarimasu ka? / Do you understand English?

Japanese: 英語分かりますか?

2) Nihongo wakarimasen / I don't understand Japanese.

Japanese: 日本語分かりません。

3) Kaado ii desu ka? / Is card okay?

Japanese: カードいいですか?

4) Arigatou gozaimasu / Thank you.

Japanese: ありがとうございます。

5) Toire wa doko desu ka? / Where is the toilet?

Japanese: トイレはどこですか?

6) Daijoubu / Don't worry, it's okay, I'm fine.

Japanese: 大丈夫。

7) Gochisousama deshita / Thank you for the meal.

Japanese: ごちそうさまでした。

8) Okaikei onegaishimasu / Can I get the bill, please?

Japanese: お会計お願いします。

9) Sumimasen / Excuse me.

Japanese: すみません。

10) Betsu-betsu onegaishimasu / Split the bill, please.

Japanese: 別々お願いします。

Feel free to add onto this list in the comments below!

P.S. If you like to practise more Japanese, I’m part of an online community with other learners where we share helpful resources with each other. Feel free to join us here.