Dominic West's American Accent

So I'm on my third watch, and I just noticed a couple of times during the first season when Dominic West's American accent slips, and his Brit shows through. It always happens when he's in an angry shouting match with another character.

I can see why he'd prefer playing a cool, calm, and collected character when doing an American accent, he's always perfect there. Imagine how difficult it would be to maintain the persona when playing a scene with really intense emotion.

I'm on the second season now, and haven't noticed any further slip-ups from him.

If anything, this is a testament to how great the craft of the British acting tradition is. So many of them do such great American accents, you never notice it in the slightest. And it required three watches just to find that one little crack in Dominic West's armor, and take me out of the moment for just a bit.

I can think of at least one major star whose American accent slips a lot more often and a lot more noticeably, but we won't be naming names here (ahem, a certain Liam Neeson, ahem)