Tracklist Reveal (Spoiler)
All of this can be found in my website. If you look through the source of the website after activating the GuessPasswordCorrect event gets triggered, it opens a new page. I was able to source that exact page and find what you see above, showing some features in the tracklist. That also means that yes, the tracklist is what will be revealed when you guess the password correctly. The way I found this exactly was by using the inspect tool and manually set the event to trigger to send me to the new page which is under the same IP. That was just step one to finding this array contaning the track list. Step 2 was copying the code into my website and creating 2 new arrays called tracklistSideA and tracklistSideB, and manually inputting the tracks. The tricky part was coming up with song titles and features that are believable and putting them in an order that the fans will believe. So in short if anyone actually read this far you know this isn't real at this point but I will go on to make this more convincing. If you line up the source exactly with the page, you will see that the only thing missing is this tracklist above, so that is how I found this tracklist.