Help with wicked whims please!

Hello fellow simmers. I am STRUGGLING with the wicked whims mod. I had downloaded it previously and it worked great. I then started to download extra mods for wicked whims (animations, features). None of the new mods were working. So I made the decision to restart. I deleted everything from my sims 4 mods folder as it was jam packed with different files. This might have been a poor decision, but I wasn’t sure what else to do.

I restarted the game without the wicked whims mod, which again, worked fine.

I then redownloaded the wicked whims mod and it’s not working at all. I placed the mod in my sims 4 mods folder. When I open the game, it shows the mod is installed, but when I start the gameplay there are absolutely no wicked whims options. All my mod settings in the game are turned on. I’ve tried this at least 5 times. I’m at a complete loss. Some advice would be very appreciated!!