Angela Lopez Rant

I know there have been some slightly similar posts but this is a very stupid rant on why Lopez is actually one of my least favourite characters.

Okay so firstly, she didn’t really have a great way of teaching as a TO. Like we see that Tim is very old school and Talia was a bit more philosophical- we didn’t really see anything from Angela. Secondly, I hated the way it would like she’s on the verge of tears e.g., when telling Jackson that the knife he carries is illegal. Also, I was rewatching 1x19, and the fact that she essentially steals a call that Chen and Bradford need for Chen to sit the rookie exam was honestly very annoying. Like we know they are competitive and whatnot, but that just screamed selfish.

The whole way she dealt with the Elijah thing and the way her actions changed (trying to put the guy through a wood chipper) and the way she is so defensive regardless of who’s questioning - when she asked Wesley if she should go back after 6 weeks of maternity.

Idk but as I go through more rewatches, I have started to feel like I really don’t like her character. It does make sense given that she was kinda neglected and parentified as a kid but I still don’t like it lmao.

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