Picotin-less in Paris

I moved to Paris last summer and since December have been actively trying for a leather appointment to start my Hermes journey. I apply online just about every day with “no preference” for both my spouse and I with no luck. I work in the area and will stop by FSH at various times of the day/week to check for any cancellations and of course there never are any. I recently purchased a few items from an awesome SA at FSH (around $750 USD, all stuff I love and had an eye on anyways) to see if that would have any effect on the lottery and still no dice. I just want a Picotin 22! Just coming here to rant and figured this group would understand my continued frustration.

UPDATE: SUCCESS! Thank you to everyone on your advice and tips. The three Paris locations are very unique and do not operate the same as other stores regarding wishlists, building SA relationships, obtaining appointments, walk-ins, and more.

I was near the Sevres location Thursday for lunch and decided to pop in and try my luck using some of the tips you all gave. All of the SAs were very friendly and when first approached I said I was interested in a Picotin 22 and some twillys. I was directed downstairs to the leather desk to see about appointments. There was a short line and the two people before me were turned away. Once my turn, I said I was interested in a Picotin 22 and asked if I could receive a walk-in appointment. The very nice concierge initially said no, he did not have visibility on their stock, and I would have to try online. I explained I was local and had been trying for some time to obtain a lottery appointment. I also mentioned I had been at FSH last week and purchased some items. He took sympathy on me and saw all of my online requests when he asked for my email. He then saw my Paris profile with purchases when looking up my French phone number. He told me to wait and he would see what he could do as he had an appointment that was late. Less than 10 minutes later I was offered a Picotin 22! I ended up turning it down as it was GHW and beautiful but not my color preference (I think it was Biscuit?) and the only one Sevres had in stock.

But… I did not leave empty handed. When researching the Picotin, I also found myself drawn to the classic look of the Bolide; so I asked the SA for any stock before heading out. To my surprise I ended up falling in love with the most beautiful Bolide 1923- 25 in Etoupe with GHW! Luckily my husband was able to swing by and agreed to the higher price tag. Now I am excited to find a new Twilly to dress her up (taking recommendations)! Ultimately I think this bag will also be better for my everyday lifestyle in Paris as it is more secure with the zipper and has more carrying options.

While waiting for my husband SA told me B/K/C are generally offered only if you have an online appointment and if they have stock that day. Sevres did not receive a lot of anything QB and non-QB the day I was there so I feel extra lucky in my find! Also, the Sevres store is stunning!

Thank you again to everyone, and so begins my journey!