If a relationship isn’t making my life better, is it even worth it?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and I’m wondering if anyone else feels the same. Is it wrong to think that if someone isn’t making my life better, I don’t want to be in a relationship with them?

I’ve worked really hard to create a good life for myself. I take care of myself, I love who I am, and I feel like I’m in a good place overall. I have so many good hobbies that I follow, I take myself date night alone, buy myself good gifts, flowers, take myself to concerts. I really love hanging out with myself. So if someone I’m dating isn’t adding more to my life than what I already give myself, it just doesn’t feel worth it.

I don’t mean this in a way where I expect someone to ‘fix’ me or take care of everything for me. It’s more like, if I can handle my life just fine on my own, shouldn’t a relationship bring something extra to the table? I was discussing this with couple of my friends the other day and some of them mentioned this is kind of selfish and egoistic mindset. I’m just curious if this mindset makes sense or if I’m missing something? I feel like this is the right way to go. Dating is a lot harder for me because of this I know but I cant help it either