How did you guys deal with your daddy issues?

My father is physically present but emotionally absent.

He exchanges a maximum of 10 words with me in a week and is always passive aggressive. Even if I try popping a joke around him to lighten the mood, he does not take it well and it backfires onto me as he starts to insult me. I don't know anything about his hobbies, likes or dislikes. He spends all his days off on his PC, scrolling through facebook.

He doesn't do this now because I am 18, but he used to hit me over the slightest things. Once I accidently spilt a glass of water when I was around 10, and he hit me. If I accidently offend him in some way, I am called 'worthless' and 'stupid' and told how I'll always be a 'nobody' in life.

I am scared of him.

Of course it doesn't help how some of my friends have amazing fathers. I can't help but seethe with jealousy when a friend of mine gushes over how she had some intellectual or political debate with her father like she does daily, or how he gave her tips and advice for things like college. I've seen her interact with her father and he speaks to her so lovingly and even has nicknames for her as terms of endearment.

Why could I not be this lucky?

Sounds so stereotypical lol but I find myself attracted to older men, sometimes much older men. This is to compensate lacking an older and dominant male figure in my life. I know this coupled with my resentment will not look good for the long run, so how can I deal with my emotions?