This Show Was Great...Sorry/Not Sorry

Im 47. To say i've grown up with Star Wars is an understatement. I've seen every movie and cartoon and read most of the Dark Horse comics. I've seen a lot of unjustified hate for this show. This is a damn good show. It's not perfect and there are definitely some issues with it. But ALL of the Star Wars properties have issue. Im old enough to remember when people HATED The Phantom Menace. Lucas himself referred to his dialog as "wooden". What bothers me is "critics" and "influencers" who won't move on. Like dude I get it, you don't like...ok move along...stop talking about it. Its like a compulsion with these people. Go away.

My list so far for the Disney+ shows.

  1. Andor (A+) Near perfect - Gold standard
  2. The Mandalorian Sea 1 & 2 (A/A-) Excellent
  3. The Acolyte (A-/B+) Some of the best light saber combat we've seen since Obi Wan/Qui Gon Vs Maul... maybe ever.
  4. The Mandalorian Sea 3 (C+) Not bad but it could of used more work.
  5. Ahsoka (C/C-) A bit of a let down for me. I hope they get a season two to course correct.
  6. Boba Fett (D-) This show didn't work for me. There were some interesting things there but i don't think most people want to see bad ass Boba Fett the bounty hunter become a town mayor/crime boss
  7. Kenobi (D-/F) Some of the choices made on this show left me scratching my head.

***Please share your list of Star Wars shows in the comments.

Edit: I forgot to add Kenobi