Mr. Beast is not a great person and his "philanthropy" is harmful.
Mr. Beast is often put up as this great man that gives away tons of money to people and changes their lives. There are a few problems with this. Firstly, the people that he gives money too usually (although I do concede not always) don't actually need the money. I'm not saying those people don't deserve the money, I'm just saying that the philanthropy Mr. Beast does is towards his immediate friends most of the time and is usually wasted.
This is not inherently wrong, but by propping Mr. Beast up as a great person because he randomly gives money to people that don't really need it we create a bad narrative. He also doesn't really give away anything, people tend to have to do some ridiculous thing for the money. He is a game show, not a philanthropy channel. The main problem with him in my opinion however is he promotes rampant consumerism. A lot of the time he says that the people have x amount of time to spend y money, leading to a ridiculous spending spree where they buy wasteful things that don't actually help a person's life.
Also, whenever he does something for the rest of the public outside his friends, it tends to be towards people that bought his merch, subscribed to him, etc. I don't have anything against liking Mr. Beast, but to call him a great person is inaccurate and takes away from people actually doing stuff to help people that really need it. Mr. Beast is not an amazing person, he is a consumerist game show that usually doesn't help the people that actually need it.
EDIT: I realize I didn't very adequately explain how his acts are harmful. Basically, he leads people to have a damaging perception on charity and money as a whole. By being irresponsible with his money and promoting rampant consumerism as philanthropy, he is teaching people that this is how one is supposed to be a good person, and that it is great to be uber flashy and irresponsible with how you donate.