How much and when should I up my dosage?

Started TRT in October (8 months ago) and have been on 50 mg per week. I have good T levels now for sure, but for being on TRT feel like they should be higher. Thinking about upping the dosage and wondering if I should just go up to 200 mg per week like most or maybe do a gradual increase and do 100 per week, maybe even 150.

23 years old. Got 4 bloods tests done, met with a clinic, and got an MRI scan before I hopped on TRT. My lowest score fasted was 159 and highest was 240. (Terrible I know)

Like I said been on 50 mg/week, definitely going to bump it up just wondering if I should go gradual or not.

Was okay with 50 at first since I was just starting out.

EDIT: Feel like I left some pretty crucial information that may help with some answers and the context.

Age: 23, Height: 5’10, Weight: 168

Current T Levels: 580 (on 50 mg/week)

Also, I want to say before I hopped on TRT I really like to think that I did have my lifestyle/health in check. Sleeping 7 hours a night, going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time. Try and get sunlight in the morning and definitely do later in the day. Eating a very clean diet with healthy whole foods, eating 5-6 meals a day, tracking my food and definitely getting enough calories/macros in. Walk after meals. Take vitamins every morning and night. Gym 5-6x a week and running a couple times a week. Obviously other factors play in here like stress and stuff but just to give you guys more info.