I beat the game in master mode 🍏

To the person I regard highly and care for dearly,

Thank you for introducing this game to me. I still remember your gear back then when you showed the game to me on mobile showing off your top hat, rocket boots and fiery greatsword (was still called that at the time) and asked me to play it.

I've been playing the game eversince and I have very fond memories when I still played it on my old computer struggling to even beat the mech bosses, enjoying spelunking while listening to music and it helped me get through the sad days and made the good days even better.

I wish we finished the game together and we were very close to get it in the past back then too and from now I can say it's because I lack the experience and the knowledge about the things I could do and could've done better.

It took me a month to finish and complete the game and I just finished it today (took that long because I don't play for a long time) and all the time I've played in that 52 hours and 17 minutes, I've always wished I was experiencing it with you.

Thank you Relogic for making this wonderful game, some people might consider or label it as just a "game" but it played a huge part in my life I can never forget and I won't ever replace.

Once again thank you for introducing me to the game and playing with you, and I hope that someday you could also tell me that you beat it too.